When Jorge Perez Evelyn born? Where? Astrologic Zodiac Sign?
Jorge Perez Evelyn was born on the 26 day of the month of April in the Sanatorium Cusatis
in Buenos Aires City, Argentina.
Which is the Astrologic Zodiac Sign of Jorge Perez Evelyn? TAURUS, as Jorge Perez Evelyn
keeps saying all the time "the best sign"...and her friend, "Carla Lovatti" the best Psychic Reading and also best supporter for Spiritual Enlightenment agrees and affirm that:
"Because they are amiable, kind, and honest, they inspire respect in others around them. Taurus people are very motivated to maintain both personal and professional stability. They have significant needs due to their high desire for extravagance, satisfaction, and magnificent goods".
Carla Lovatti